Rules and Regulations

1. Purpose of School Facilities. District buildings, grounds and equipment are owned and maintained for the sole purpose of promoting the education of the enrolled students of the Bullard Independent School District. Any other purpose for which school facilities or properties are used shall be subordinate and shall not interfere with the program of school activities.

2. Permissible Users of School Facilities. Any organization may be required to submit an official roster of members and/or attendees. All non-school use of District facilities and restricted grounds shall be made only upon a fully approved (acceptance of pricing with provision of payment and insurance) rental request through the District’s website. Submission of payment and acceptance of pricing and the restrictions set forth in this handbook and additional (if applicable) restrictions presented as a part of the online agreement shall constitute the renter’s acceptance of this agreement as a lease contract executed by the District’s Superintendent or his designee. Lease contracts and the privileges of the lessee are not transferable to any other individual, group, or organization. At the discretion of the Superintendent, or designee, a paper contract with appropriate payment and insurance provisions may suffice. The lessee may not change the nature of the approved event or the intended attendees.

3. False Information and Other Grounds for Termination of Lease. District facility usage is a
privilege. Any misrepresentation by an organization or individual, abuse of property, and/or nonpayment by the organization or an individual representing the organization may result in immediate termination of the contract, including immediately vacating the premises, and denial of that organization’s request for future use. Any and all information given in connection with lease requests by any lessee of the District’s buildings, grounds, and/or equipment shall clearly identify the nature of the activity of the organization.

4. Right of Cancellation and Conflicts with School Activities. The District shall have first priority on facility use and may unilaterally cancel any agreement related to any facility by giving notice twenty-four (24) hours prior to a requested lease period if the District determines that it must use the facility for a function related to the operation of the District. The District also shall have the right to cancel or move an event to another location, based on availability within the District, should a disaster occur that would require extensive repairs. In case of emergency, as determined and declared by Superintendent or designee, a twenty-four hour notice period may not be possible and is not required.

5. Deadlines for Requests, Payments and Insurance. Rental requests should be made as much in advance as possible, up to a year in advance. Renters must submit requests at least 10 days prior to the event. Acceptance of Pricing and Payment provision must be made at least 7 days prior to the event. Qualifying insurance must be submitted (online, as a part of the request) at least 5 days prior to the event. These deadlines are binding on the requestor, not Bullard ISD. Requestors waiting until the last dates may not be approved in time for their event. Payment options (except for UIL playoff games, or as excepted by the office of the Superintendent) shall be limited to Credit Card, Debit Card, or Online Bank Draft through the District’s authorized website.

6. Movement of furniture and equipment and custodial services. The lessee shall not alter facilities or grounds without approval. The District may have a custodian or other designated employee in the building throughout the time the facility is in use. This person shall be responsible for opening and closing the facility, but is not responsible for supervising the lessee’s group of activities.

7. Compliance with State and Federal Laws. No District facility or grounds shall be used by any group (or individual) which is not in compliance with the requirements of all applicable federal or state laws, regulations, and/or rules prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, age, or other recognized protected class as applicable. Use of District facilities shall not be allowed for the purpose of advancing any doctrine or theory subversive to the Constitution or laws of the State of Texas or of the United States.

8. Damage to School Property. Applicants shall provide required supervision and guarantee orderly behavior. Applicants shall be responsible for and reimburse the District for any and all damages to the District’s facilities, accepting reasonable normal wear and tear from ordinary use. School officials shall be the sole judges of any damage done to school property. If a Reserve or Deposit Amount was specified as a part of pricing/payment, that amount may be charged to cover such damages or services needed.

9. Required Insurance, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless. The lessee agrees to defend,
indemnify and hold harmless Bullard ISD, its elected officials, employees, and agents against any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, costs, legal fees, and/or expenses for personal injury (including but not limited to death), property damage, and/or other harm or loss for which recovery of damages is sought that may arise out of or be occasioned by the lessee’s breach of any of the items or provisions of this Handbook and/or an associated contract for lease of District facilities. The provisions of this paragraph are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any person or entity. With reference to any Texas legislative, administrative, and/or procedural fines or assessment of penalties levied by any authority relating to the administration of the Bullard ISD property rental management program, determination of responsibility is subject to the terms specified herein. All lessees must complete the online rental agreement, accept pricing, make provision for payment and must furnish liability insurance prior to approval for use.

10. Political Meetings. Except for regular or special public elections and for precincts, county, or
senatorial district conventions, no political meetings are allowed on District property.

11. Distribution of Materials. Non-District materials may not be distributed on district property if:
a. The materials are obscene, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate for the age and maturity of the
audience, as determined by the Superintendent or designee
b. The materials endorse actions endangering the health or safety of students
c. The distribution of such materials would violate the intellectual property rights, privacy rights,
or other rights of another person
d. The materials contain impermissible defamatory statements about public figures or others
e. The materials criticize Board members or school officials or advocate violations of school
rules pursuant to Board Policy FNAA
f. The materials advocate imminent lawless or disruptive action and are likely to incite or
produce such action
g. The materials include hate literature and scurrilously attack ethnic, religious or racial groups;
and/or constitute similar publications aimed at creating hostility and violence pursuant to Board

12. No Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, Illegal Drugs and/or Firearms. The District
prohibits the possession or sale of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and/or firearms by any person while on school premises or on other property under the jurisdiction of the school. No smoking or use of smokeless tobacco products (including but not limited to vaporizer type products) is permitted on the property of the Bullard ISD. Lessees are responsible for monitoring for such activities. Any student violating this provision may be subject to further discipline pursuant to Bullard ISD policies and regulations.

13. Bullard ISD High School Baseball / Softball Fields. The use of the Baseball / Softball Fields
are for UIL use only and may be reserved upon request by contacting the Bullard ISD Athletic Director or designee. Stadium rental fees, as well as maintenance and worker fees, are required for these activities. All concessions shall be operated by the District, in accordance with Bullard ISD policies or agreements regarding concessions. Spirit signs may NOT be taped to the concrete walls or fences. All spirit signs must be attached to fences with grommets.

14. The following items are NOT allowed on any turf playing field:
a. Metal-cleated shoes (except for Baseball and Softball)
b. Pets
c. Confetti or balloons
d. Spectators
e. Glass containers
f. Water and electrolyte drinks are the only liquids allowed on the field.
g. The use of chairs, stools, ladders, high-heeled shoes, or other pointed objects
h. Tobacco, sunflower seeds, gum, and other similar type products are not allowed on the field.
15. No outside group equipment is to be left on school property.
16. School equipment such as balls, sleds, hurdles, etc., are NOT to be used by outside groups





Scene Shop. All items in the scene shop belong solely to the campus Theater Department. Step units, doors, flats, furnishings, etc., are not available without approval, even if accessible to lessee. Tools in the shop may not be used without permission. NO FOOD OR DRINK is permitted in the scene shop area. The scene shop shall be left clean following any use. 

Curtains. The curtains are not to be pinned, tied, or taped to hold them in place. The curtains shall not be removed from their tracks in any way. The curtain tracks should not be used to support any items other than the curtains, as the weight of additional items may damage or destroy the curtains or tracks at lessee’s expense. Only Bullard ISD designated personnel are allowed to bring in curtains, battens, electrics, or cyclorama. It is permissible to hang lightweight paper and foam board items tied with fishing line or string from empty battens, but this must be performed by Bullard ISD designated personnel and must be requested in advance. All materials must be removed by lessee prior to departure.

Absolutely no painting (including but not limited to aerosol “spray painting”) should take place in the theater. Painting, if allowed, must occur elsewhere. Nothing belonging to the campus Theater Department will be painted or otherwise altered. This includes but is not limited to the UIL unit set, platforms, furniture, and props. In all matters, the campus theater director will be the final authority.

Lighting. No lighting equipment or instruments may be taken down, refocused, removed, or otherwise rearranged or altered. If gels or special lighting are required, they must be requested in advance and installed by Bullard ISD designated personnel. An extra charge may apply for this service and equipment. Only Bullard ISD designated technical equipment will be allowed. Any special lighting should be requested at least ten days in advance. Only Bullard ISD designated personnel may operate the light and sound equipment. 

Technical Booth at back of House and upstairs. NO FOOD OR DRINK is permitted in the booth area, especially around the light and sound boards and other electronic equipment – NO EXCEPTIONS. Only Bullard ISD designated personnel may operate the light and sound equipment. Only Bullard ISD designated personnel are permitted to be in or on the tech booth, sound booth, catwalk, operating rail, loading rail, A-frame ladder, prop storage, and/or grid.

Microphones. Rental does not include microphones unless prior arrangements have been made,
which may require additional fees.

Dressing Rooms. Dressing room accommodations may be available if requested, subject to prior approval and with additional fees.

The House. The house describes the area that contains the seating area of the theater. 


Water for performers may be kept in the hallway just outside the backstage areas. If special 
circumstances require a performer to keep water backstage for personal use, the theater sponsor on site should be notified and consulted. 

No one should be allowed to stand in the seats, or on the arms or backs of the seats, in order to quickly get from one row to the next. Also, do not use the back of the seat in the forward row as a foot rest. These acts will damage the seating, rendering the seating unusable for the District and potentially resulting in charges to lessee. Audiences must be kept under control at all times. Children should be supervised at all times in all parts of the theater, halls, and dressing rooms. 

Refreshments or concessions may be sold in the lobby, in accordance with District policies and agreements. All food and drink MUST REMAIN IN THE LOBBY AREA and not be allowed in the theater.

Fire / Emergency Exits: In setting up scenery, risers, etc., do not block any of the exits. These are fire exits and are very important to the safety of patrons. 



1. Rental of the Auditorium is for the building only. District personnel labor costs are not included in rental fees but may be required. District personnel shall be present at all times to monitor buildings and assist in case of system malfunctions.

2. It will be the responsibility of the lessee to provide all personnel required to stage or produce the program, including but not limited to ushers, stage hands, and light board and sound system operators. Light or sound technicians must be approved by the Auditorium Supervisor to operate District equipment.

3. A date will be placed on hold no more than one year from day of initial request and must include a deposit. Reservations more than one year in advance are not accepted.